Sunday, March 19, 2006

Gently, grasp gently

I stopped wearing a hat. Like most of my generation I wore ball-caps from my teens on, but I changed jobs a couple years ago – when I came to the Factory – and just decided no more hats. As I age my face is becoming gaunt, my eyes deep-set and searching. As my brain shrinks, the resulting vacuum is causing my head to cave in at the temples. Now, in a ball-cap, I look like Ron Howard with more hair – but not quite so albino-ish.

I have the physique of an Indonesian fisherman, spread over 6’4”. Like a stick-insect I can lift twice my own weight, and sometimes devour the young of competing males –no wait, that’s lions. Ok I’m like a stick-lion. A prowling stick-lion without a hat. Actually I never was much of a prowler…more of a lurker, really. A lurking hatless stick lion. Yes, that describes me perfectly.

Male Stick Lion enjoys lurking, wiping out blood-lines, long walks and lazy Sunday afternoons. Seeks female stick lion, or other, must be hatless. Loves children (must be disease-free and not too bony).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your description of your head shrinking, is hilarious. But I'm sure it isn't true, at least to that exptent. You are using your brain more probably, so why doesn't it get bigger? Maybe Ron Howard knows?!