Sunday, March 05, 2006

They Wear Shorts, You See...

G’day to all my friends at the Australian Federal Police who have been tracking this blog for a few days now. The Australian Federal Police is like the FBI, except they wear shorts. The AFP investigates crimes that are too hard for the State Police, namely anything involving getting out of the car. Donut shops are rare in Australia so local cops tend just to drive around aimlessly. Always zipping here and there, frightening the horses and causing a nuisance.

I mean seriously, cop cars here have mag wheels and spoilers. Its an obvious case of over-funding. Perhaps the money would be better spent on training to avoid being shot in the chest with your own gun, while brewing a nice cuppa inside the Police Station (see This Just In…)
Anyway, boys at the AFP, hope you are having a chuckle reading my pathetic, inconsequential blog …I’ll do a cop cartoon for you. Keep those cards and subpoenas coming.

Your Pal,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what the cop cars look like, cause when you are inside it don't care!