Sunday, October 01, 2006

Technology Fails To Reveal Dick

I have tried in vain to get uTube to post my Dick video. Says it's on its way to the blog, but it lies. Probably later it will post all three attempts but for now you will just have to look it up here... It's just a glimpse, and the flyscreen was in the way...

An Australian biographer recently reported many women were finding it difficult to find a partner due, partly, to “an increase in the number of gay men”. Makes it sound like a phenomenon of sorts, doesn’t it. Is it something that should be monitored? Perhaps a gay index…”Sunny and warm today, 68% humidity and oh-oh, the gay index is waaay up…better pack some [insert cliché]”

It’s true though, about the women, they’re desperately bored of Aussie men. You hold a door open and they melt, speak in an ‘American’ accent, or better yet, Irish and they wet themselves. I sometimes go to visit my wife at the hospital where she works. If I don’t happen to speak to anyone I’m not noticed, but if I have to ask where she is or something, when I leave they’re all whispery and giggly. I like doing that ‘cause it gives the Missus a laugh.


Anonymous said...

Why does the Irish accent thing not work in reverse?

SkookumJoe said...

works for me dear

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I can't believe Australian women take their men for granted. Send them over here!!

Or better yet, maybe I should come visit and lose myself in the heaven of an entire country of men with accents. Ooh, good plan.

Maybe I'll pick up a passport while I'm there too.

exile said...

visit austrailia, accents guarentee sex!

man, i should move there. i'm on the lowest end of the spectrum here.

(exo and i will have to fly out together and work the "country side")

exile said...

(do they like Harry Potter out there?)