Monday, October 16, 2006

Yeah, sure.

Several (1) readers of the previous post have demanded more information about the remarkable hand held massage unit. Here then is the ad and if any readers do purchase one, SJ will expect a full report on it's many, uh, uses and...stuff. All in the name of science. Oh, and photos...send photos.

I never knew massagers were priced according to length.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Hahahaha! This ad was in your regular paper, not in the back of some dirty magazine? I love Australia.

Quick story: the summer I was 17 I worked at a record company in the marketing department. Some genius came up with a "sex, rock & roll" campaign for a band that entailed sending a vibrator (sex), the cd (rock) and rolling papers (uh, roll?) to radio stations. There was a warning on the sex toy box that explicitly stated not to use to relieve leg pain.

Weird? Yes, and also, the toys looked exactly like this massager of yours. Except they were pink, too.

Unknown said...

I always thought that those where electric ear cleaners.

It's hard (hee, hee) to believe that those kinds of devices are illegal in some states. But once you know which (Southern) states they are, it's not hard at all.

SkookumJoe said...

No if it was in a dirty mag they would have called it a vibrator and it would have been more like $100 and come with battieries...hey that could be the slogan!

you are kidding...illegal?! To advertise or to own?

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

To buy. God doesn't want Southerners to have orgasms.

SkookumJoe said...

that's fucked up. Who decides what's a massager and what's not, and how would they know?

I could make something like that in about ten minutes, would that be illegal?

Anonymous said...

i could make something like that tooo....but it would get soft in 3 minutes or less

exile said...

i love when you find random sex toys in magazine's

my roommate had a magazine full of wicca stuff and in it there was a batter operated device "to re-align the goddess within you"

SkookumJoe said...

stop bragging Illidge.

all those poor Southern Belles in desperate need of re-alignment. God must be punishing them...perhaps for inventing the Mint Julip and/or banjo music.