Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Quick and easy, that’s the way. You ever need to pop out your own eyeball, you got to do it real quick. Sort of trick yourself, you know, pretend you’re gonna rip it out so you flinch -but then don’t really do it so, phew, you sigh in relief and THEN you pop that sucker out with the back of a teaspoon before you even know you’ve done it.

Then apologise to yourself for tricking yourself. And for popping yourself’s eyeball out just because you read somewhere you could. Read it with that very eyeball which makes later using the information to defile that eye akin to homo-auto-treachery, which is akin to other made-up words from The Scientists like anti-coagulant and cows. (Animals that eat grass and turn it into a nourishing beverage and important source of calcium which they line up to dispense twice daily in return for simple food and lodging…indeed.)

Milk is produced in the skull and dispensed from the eye. If you …can …get …the …damn thing….OUT!


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I love the label for this one.

exile said...

eyes, are overrated

ears, now that's the money spot

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

FUCK that. There are some deaf photographers, but very few blind photographers.

I value my eyes more than my boobs!

Well, almost as much.

citizen***146 said...

Which of the five senses could I do without? I think the eyes have it.
Imagine not being able to taste curry!

SkookumJoe said...

according to my disability coverage, 1 eye gets you $2000 but both eyes gets you $10,000. But you really cash in if you manage to lose both eyes, both ears and your dominant thumb.