Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Didn't Hurt A Bit

Back to the dentist today. I actually looked forward to it. I left a ½ hour early and walked over in the sunshine. Sat and read a National Geographic on the rise of Buddhism globally. Did you know it’s classed as the world’s 5th largest religion?, although there is some debate as to whether it’s a religion, philosophy, or psychological method. Then it was into the chair, sunglasses on, a bucket and a half of anesthetic and we were away…

Seems I need a root canal. Three more visits. This visit cost $400. But still I don’t care because it was worth it for three hours of peace and quiet. Walked back to work in same said sunshine, arriving in time to shut down my computer, check the factory wasn’t on fire or anything, and go home.

Only 5 more weeks till I go back! This time I got smart, arranged the appointment for 2pm on a Friday.

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