Sunday, May 14, 2006

Team Midwifery

What the hell is going on here? I’ve never witnessed a birth, but I had no idea it was so complicated. I always thought you really only needed the one little helper to give a pull if needed, maybe unwrap a cord or two - but this looks like a full-on team effort!

Here you have the Anchor position (seated behind the Birther). She’s like the Captain of the birth. In this picture it looks like the Anchor is a man, but this cannot be as no man can captain a birth. No, this is a 19th century lesbian.

The left and right Wings supply tension under direction of the Anchor. This is to manipulate the Birther by stretching her until the Baby lets go and falls out. The Wingers are usually spinster sisters with some sort of grudge against the Birther.

Kneeling in front is the Catcher, usually the junior member of the team. Virgins are often chosen, in hopes of scaring them into remaining so. This is also the most dangerous position on the Birthing Team and many catchers were injured by high velocity births before the introduction of the Catching Mask in the 1950’s.

This particular team went on to place third in the Birthing Finals of 1844, delivering 17 children in sixty minutes (one breech, two dropped).


exile said...

oh sure, but it's a sin to have that many women in the bed when you make the baby...

Unknown said...

I saw almost this exact same illustration in an exorcism manual. The only difference was the direction of the birther’s head.