Thursday, May 04, 2006

It Begins

Preliminary experiments are underway. As you know, I’m trying to raise a genetically engineered baboon army to do my bidding. Mostly to keep silly people away from me. I may let them do a Christmas show or something if we have time. I bought a copy of Gene Splicing For Dummies which, frankly, wasn’t helpful. A lot of chapters with silly titles on making cats in pastel colours (“Meow Wow!”) and dogs that can fetch the paper, read it to you, take a shit on it, wrap it up, put it on the neighbor’s front step and set fire to it (“Man’s Best Multi-tasker). Nothing much at all on creating super-races. I still have had no luck finding a baboon vendor in my area, but I was lucky enough to find a source of smaller aquatic primates which are available by mail order. These Sea Monkeys (Primatus Aquatis) look just the trick for practicing on. I also ordered some x-ray specs (“Save on Radiography Costs!”).

Well I better get back to work. I’m converting an old lawn mower and a washtub into a DNA Replicator Tank. It’s still leaking peptides.

1 comment:

exile said...

see, the problem is you'll acheive your army, but they'll be very tiny

you need to start out with naturally distructive creatures, then make them do you bidding.

the most seamonkeys can do is stay in their eggs for a million years. not much of a threat (and very briney)