Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My Lack Of Diligence May Have Cost Lives

Well I was going to write about some dumb things I’ve done, but I see Exile Boy has done that. So then I was thinking I might do something based on the different search terms people have used to end up here…but Swearing Lady is doing that. I thought I could write about the time I solved a crime using forensic pathology with my Japanese American colleague Sam…but that was an episode of Quincy, I realize now. Pretty sure, anyway.

Fuck it, lets do the weather. Getting cold in Australia blah blah other side of the Earth blah blah winter for me, summer for you blah weird huh? Blah blah not really cold compared blah blah to Canada blah.

When I worked at a dinky little AM radio station, I used to make up the weather because I couldn’t be bothered to phone the parent station for the forecast, or walk down the hall to look at the thermometer. I’d look out the window and unless it was actually raining I’d say “Mostly sunny, some cloud, chance of isolated showers” which about covered it. For the temperature I’d stick my hand out the window and have a guess. Wasn’t like NASA was using the data to launch space shuttles…or maybe they were. This was at the same time as the first shuttle ‘splosion. Shit. You think…?

1 comment:

exile said...


yup, summer is here, winter is there, canada sucks