*added May 21,2006. This post later proved to be full of errors on my part. I confused the location of The Center For Advanced Sarcasm with that of another blog I was planning to link to, which is based in Detroit. The Center For Advanced Sarcasm is based in Charlotte, North Carolina. I also placed Detroit on Lake Michigan and I should know better as I've actually been there. As the post then became a take-off on a sister city rivalry, it now makes no sense with the corrections. You might want to skip it.

Two new links added today. From the windy shores of the Great Lakes we have Over Here by the lovely Sandra in Toronto and The Center for Advanced Sarcasm, based in Charlotte, North Carolina. I steal many ideas from these two, and they post regularly, so have a look.
As you may know Toronto is Canada’s largest city, with just over two hundred citizens, and the world’s tallest pointy thing. They have a fairly decent hockey team and my brother lives there. We always said he was odd.
Another fine city, on the edge of (Correction: Detroit River), Detroit is home to the Detroit Tigers – we used to get TV from Detroit for some reason, and I became a Tigers fan in my teens. It is also home to my second favorite hockey team, after the lowly and despicable Vancouver Canucks – the Russian Red Army, also known as the Detroit Red Wings.
Toronto and Detroit used to be sister cities. But then Toronto borrowed Detroit’s favorite shoes without asking and broke a heel, so Detroit slept with Toronto’s boyfriend (Chicago) and got pregnant (Windsor). Anyway, they don’t speak now but hopefully they can come together here, in this forum of love and peace called SkookumJoe, and begin mending their hearts.
Don’t thank me, I just do what I can.