Wednesday, June 07, 2006

See What's Left

Here is a short video about a baby in China with two left arms. It’s from Reuters news, not gross or anything. They managed to hack one of them off ok and are hopeful the child will gain full use of what's left, if you follow me. Just think….

He could:

- Masturbate while driving.
- Be a champion shoplifter
- Excel at chin-ups
- Open gifts quickly
- Make really good shadow puppets
- Wipe his ass without putting down the newspaper.

But then again there’s…

- Being called “Lefty” in Chinese (左撇子)
- Always being asked to open jars
- Exclusion from games of tag (leads to isolation and feelings of deep inner rage, which exhibit at age 45 when he starts wearing women’s undies and complaining to the council about the damn teenagers.)
- Extra arm may become evil
- Unable to use excuse “I’ve only got two hands, damn it!”
(我只得到二只手, 该死!)

mmm, I feel like stir-fry


Amanda said...

'extra arm may become evil'
that's gonna have me chuckling all day. taking the whole 06.06.06 thing a tad far, maybe?

Unknown said...

Maybe this is evolution. Wouldn’t three or more arms make sense? Besides, I already claim to women in bars that I have a third leg.

SkookumJoe said...

I'd forgetten about the 6/6/6 thing. Actually I don't believe in evil. It's another cop-out. Humans are great at passing the buck.